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15 Hunger Games Clothes And Accessories Only True Fans Will Love


Tributes, get ready: The final Hunger Games movie (Mockingjay – Part 2) will be out before we know it. For those of us who read the books, we know this is where all of your feelings get thrown into a blender. For those of you who don’t know what’s coming – brace yourselves.

I couldn’t be more excited about this movie. When the first movie came out, I finally felt like what my friends who read Harry Potter must have felt like when those movies came out. It’s a hard feeling to describe, but it was so amazing to be able to see one of my favorite stories come to life in a movie that was better than I could have ever dreamed. Since then, I’ve looked forward to every Thanksgiving season because that usually means a new Hunger Games movie.

But, if I’m being real, fan culture can be a little overwhelming. There is so much THG merch out there that it can be hard to shift through it and find what you really want to buy. So, I did it for you guys. Whether you want to try out some cosplay, dress as one of the characters for Halloween, or just show your love for this series on a regular basis, here are 15 Hunger Games clothes and accessories every true fan needs. 

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You can follow the author, Aliee Chan, on Twitter.

20 Hilarious Jokes Only True Hunger Games Fans Will Understand

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